Ankle BitersApparently there needs to be an addition to the rules
here...and in general.
I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean over the weekend...and there were CHILDREN in the 11:30PM show! Fortunately, they were all passed out very soon after the movie began-but it could've been much it was at a recent dinner out.
Why is it that parents seem to think it is ok to inflict their snot ridden spawn upon us when it is clearly NOT appropriate. We all have had our nice evenings ruined by ill-mannered and exhausted children dragged by BAD PARENTS to places they ought not be...nice restaurants, late shows, nice stores, etc. The parents then act indignant when we complain and fail to recognize the genious and preciousness of the creature shrieking and flinging vegetables around the room.
That's right-you are BAD PARENTS,
Sassy Quack