ResponsibilityToday I brought home a new car. I think I'm going to get an ulcer. After two years of car payment free living, it was finally time. My credit needed the boost too. Still, the commitment is freaking me out. Goodbye discretionary funds...hello adulthood I guess.
I'll feel better when I sell my old car and it isn't sitting there waiting...reminding me that there is just a SMALL chance I didn't make the right choice.
Too late to go back,Sassy Quack
Ankle BitersApparently there needs to be an addition to the rules
here...and in general.
I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean over the weekend...and there were CHILDREN in the 11:30PM show! Fortunately, they were all passed out very soon after the movie began-but it could've been much it was at a recent dinner out.
Why is it that parents seem to think it is ok to inflict their snot ridden spawn upon us when it is clearly NOT appropriate. We all have had our nice evenings ruined by ill-mannered and exhausted children dragged by BAD PARENTS to places they ought not be...nice restaurants, late shows, nice stores, etc. The parents then act indignant when we complain and fail to recognize the genious and preciousness of the creature shrieking and flinging vegetables around the room.
That's right-you are BAD PARENTS,
Sassy Quack
Crimes of FashionWhy won't leggings die? Is there something intrinsic in women that kicks in at a certain point in life saying "It is must replace all previously fashionable attire with leggings and oversized blouses-preferably depicting fruit."
Overweight women seem to think that shoehorning themselves into something akin to a sausage casing is a fabulous way to look more svelte...seemingly oblivious to the hideousness of the result. I found leggings marketed for just this
use. Now-while this might be a good thing to wear UNDER your pants, they do not adequately take the place of matter how kicky you feel the design may be.
The same goes for other women. Leggings are. Not. pants.
Sassy Quack
Smart Cars.I've been in love with them since I first saw one in Italy back in 2000. They are FINALLY coming to the US in 2008. Unfortunately, that is a bit late for me. My Ford POS is on its way out NOW. I MUST have a
Smart Car in 2006. But how?
Dilemma of the moment= how to turn $0 and 0 availability into 1 cool ride.
I never was that good at math,
Sassy Quack
I spent the day of the 3rd in my office...sulking because my presence was required. None of the companies I work with on a daily basis were open and everything else was caught there was very little to do. To be honest, I really didn’t have anything else going on that I was being kept from...but it was the idea that my company was oblivious to the presence of a holiday that irked me...and then I was annoyed with myself for being upset for such a little reason.
Later that evening, I went to The Boyfriend’s restaurant for dinner. When we walked in, the place had fallen apart. I guess people hadn’t shown up/called off. The Boyfriend took one look and went scampering off to the after a few minutes of watching the hostess look like a deer in headlights, I put down my purse and helped her. THIS work I did not mind...and upon further thought, decided the reason was that I felt I had not felt at my office that day.
I am quite capable of amusing myself for the duration of the workday on occasions where there is not much to be done...but it is not particularly satisfying. Perhaps this is a sign that I need to be in a faster paced field? Or does this feeling wear off?
Sassy Quack