Sassy Quack

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Tom Cruise...

Since Tom Cruise lost his mind and started his couch jumping, Scientology spewing, reign of obnoxiousness-I'm finding it very difficult to care about any of his movies. His insanity has overshadowed any fun that might be found there. You say "Mission Impossible III"...I think...Can Katie escape the dastardly clutches of Tom? Even Rosie has retracted her love. That's just sad.

Perhaps Scientology really did help him. Perhaps it has helped others. Fine. What I find offensive is his complete inability to understand that the complexity of the human being means that not all solutions work for everyone.

There is some validity to his arguments about the overmedication of America's children...sure. I once, well on my way to obtaining my handy degree in psychology, managed to get myself diagnosed ADD based on a survey given by a psychiatrist who, without any other counseling, wanted to put me on Ritalin straight away. That kind of doctor gives support to Tom's rants. However, many people are able to lead a normal life thanks to prescription drugs...the deprivation of which can lead to cases like this. There are many, many other cases cited in scientific journals...too many to dismiss. Vitamins are not enough for everyone.

In regard to his argument that was He knows the "history of psychiatry". Sure. Honestly, I'm not going to pull a Tom/Matt Lauer moment and presume to know what he has studied...but I do strongly suspect that his source of this historical information was the Scientology Center rather than an independent institute of higher learning. I also find his "Doctor Tom" rantings extremely irresponsible. There are too many celebrity idolizing, undereducated folk out there who take his word for gospel.

SO-in response to all of the new surveys out there: NO. I will not be able to see Tom Cruise on screen as Ethan Hunt...and I am too sick of him to try. So Tom "I let Isabella style my bangs before leaving my new-soon to have her name made fun of by all future classmates-daughter Suri to stump for my new movie" Cruise, good luck with your life. Please stop telling me what is right for mine.

Wishing the War of the Worlds aliens had eaten him when they had the chance,
Sassy Quack

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