Sassy Quack

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Why a Blog?

A girlfriend recently scoffed at the idea of posting one's thoughts for the amusement of strangers. I've decided though that this is taking a rather narrow view of the possibilities of this outlet. I realized that this would be a fabulous outlet for the stresses of daily life. I'm finding that unexpressed, these tend to build up to levels that provoke the desire for great misfortune to befall all who cross my path. Knowing that someone else might *gasp* read this forces me to think a bit more about what I write...which is a bit more useful than the un-analyzed stream of consciousness in a diary. SO...if a few strangers end up amused, that is hardly the worst thing that could happen. I could Frisbee my dinnerware into oncoming traffic.

Wondering why blogger spellcheck doesn't recognize the word "Blog",
Sassy Quack

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